Blog > 3 Ways to Safely Celebrate Halloween This Year

It’s the last week of October and that can only mean it’s time for Halloween!
October 31st is one of those dates almost every parent circles on the calendar. Kiddos love to dress up, see their friends past bedtime, and gorge on candy.
This year, due to COVID-19, things are going to have to be a little different, if you want to trick-or-treat.
We asked our agents what they are doing in their neighborhoods this year to bring in the Halloween spirit while keeping the coronavirus at bay. Here are three of our favorite ideas:
- Trunk-Or-Treat
If you have never heard of Trunk-Or-Treat, it’s very much like trick-or-treat, minus the houses. Instead of going door to door, parents park their cars in a field or parking lot and decorate their trunks. The kids can then go trunk to trunk and ask for treats.
This is a perfect set-up for COVID, as it’s outside and minimizes surface contact (like ringing doorbells). Park the cars far enough apart, keep it to one family per car, and go in one direction. Keep sanitizers on hand to help disinfect as needed!
- Individually-Wrapped Treats
As much as we love digging our hands in a big bowl of goodies, this is just not the year for that. To help minimize contact, have goody bags already wrapped up in themed bags for the kids to take.
- One-Way Streets
If your neighborhood is going ahead with trick-or-treating, make social distancing easier by turning the sidewalks into one-way paths for the night. Work with your neighbors or your HOA to put up signs and notices.
Happy Halloween and stay safe!